Thursday, December 6, 2007

horrible, piss on it

generally, today sucked... i had a few good events occur, but for the most blew. lately i haven't been feeling so good, I'm not sure whats up but I'm feeling awful. not just physically, not just emotionally, its just an all in all situation...crappy feeling. its becoming unbearable but i figure some thing has to perk up sooner or later right?... the awesome parts of today was basically me getting further along in my soon to be career as a body piercer.. I'm moving along pretty well in my apprenticeship. Ive been out of the swing of things lately and haven't been able to pierce as much. my two main "guinea pigs" moved away and i didn't know anyone else who was interested in being pierced so i was left with nothing, but today i was in luck. Jack (my roommate) came in and wanted his tongue stretched up a little more, and my buddy max, who assisted in my tongue splitting, wanted his nostril pierced to go along with his large collection of facial piercings. it perked me up for a few, i did well and felt good about it.
it was Emma's, Travis's daughters, third birthday today too which was fun 'coz i got to see her for a bit, and the one last hing that felt good was i stretched my ears again. its only a gauge which is puny, but whats awesome about the situation is that its my second time doing it, because i had to have them surgically sewn shut after having them at 1.5" over a year ago and I'm pumped to have them back and stretching again.
But then i proceeded to come home and feel like shit again. oh well...the days go by, and shit will hopefully get better soon.

sorry to bore you with this rant about feelings,
this was meant to be a strictly artistic blog showing u paintings, ideas, sketches n all that jazz
but I'm sure you'll forgive me ha ha

until next time,

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